Palouse Skatepark, Inc.
a 501 (c) 3 Charitable Giving Organization, overseeing the development of the
privately-funded Palouse Skatepark & Tony Kettel Skate Gardens in Palouse, WA
Now constructing the Skate Gardens!
One Place: 2 Distinct Spaces
Our project is designed to promote outdoor recreation, education, and civic engagement opportunities for all ages in Palouse and surrounding communities. Socially, economically, culturally and environmentally: this project matters!

The Palouse Skatepark & Tony Kettel Skate Gardens:
This collaborative project is the result of a private land gift to the Palouse Skatepark, Inc. for the purpose of building an open-to-the-public skate facility. The Palouse Skatepark has been constructed by professionals and skilled volunteers, and opened in 2018! There are over 7,000 volunteer hours logged and 17 years of fundraising efforts toward the completion of the skate park. The Tony Kettel Skate Gardens are located at the upper plateau area included in this land gift, and the Garden Transformation Team began their planning efforts in September of 2015.